viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

What is InSpiration?

Our mission is to share an open space for integrated thinking, learning and creating. The spirit is to share possibilities, ideas, alternatives and projects in all the areas merging our common goals. We share the strong believe that the best way to reach our imagination is through play, art and the joyful path of creation. Our aspiration is to transcend this mainly unifocal view and, erase the boundaries amongst us and our fields of work because Our world is the reflection of our minds and spirit. We wish to plant a forest of seeds of INSPIRATION to create an amazing world.

Nuestra misión es compartir un espacio abierto, para la integración de aprendizaje y creatividad. El espíritu de Inspirations es compartir posibilidades, ideas, alternativas y proyectos en todas las áreas uniendo nuestras metas. Creemos que una buena forma de lograrlo es a través del arte, el juego y la creatividad. Nuestra aspiración es trascender esta mirada unifocal y borrar las barreras entre nosotros y nuestros espacios de trabajo porque Nuestro Mundo es el reflejo de nuestra mente y alma. Deseamos plantar un bosque lleno de semillas de INSPIRACION para crear un mundo mejor. 

viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

Human Being - Human Campaign


Todos somos mensajeros de bondad para recordarnos mutuamente de nuestra profunda conexión interna, con el universo y el amor.

Alli, aquí y siempre solo por SER, viviendo el aquí y ahora, solo por sentir nuestra respiración solo por SER HUMANO podemos cambiar.
Viajamos por las ciudades sentándonos a respirar en cada rincón posible para recordarles que adentro de cada uno está la paz.
¿Se imaginan si realmente pudiéramos curar el mundo solo con nuestro deseo desde el corazón para un mundo lleno de paz y felicidad?
Estamos intentándolo ¿no lo harías tu también?

We are all messengers for human kind to remind each other that we can feel the deep connection to our inner-selves and therefore to the universe and the eternal source of love.
Any-where and every-where any-time and always just by BEING, present here and now, just by feeling our breath just by BEING HUMAN we can change.
We are going in the cities, in the middle of our normal lives flow to remind you and invite you to share the message just by sitting silently for a few minutes wherever you are.
Imagine if we could really heal the world just with the thought of all human beings wishing from their hearts for a peaceful, and joyful planet?
We are giving it a try, would you too?

Human Being - Human Barcelona

jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Human Being - Human Marbella

domingo, 12 de julio de 2009


I wear all the symbols of the human race, the ones I know and the ones I don't.

I hold them alltogeher in my body as traces of the search of love.

As bridges of each human being from our hearts towards the universe.The cross, the stars, the moon and sun held by the strings of compassion. They are symbols of brotherhoods, and above all they are symbols of our universe.
We have created many paths along human times, different ways to understand our reality, we have named what we could see, and created believes to unfold what remanined unseen.
The time has come to in-light a vision from the invisible.
No matter what thought or name, face or symbol we give to our reality they all merge in One.
Great poets and masters imagined this world, we are now making it real.
To discover that we are going home.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

Inspirations Canvas

jueves, 9 de julio de 2009


Our main focus lies therefore on the interconnections and relationships amongst these various levels. We have already explored the fields of specialization and we create now the way to integration.
Amongst ourselves as human beings, ascolleagues, as co-creators of space and habitat and with-in-spirit of eternal respect for our home Planet Earth.
This will guide us to reach a conscious awareness of the changing times we are entering and the changes within we need to acknowledge. 

We believe that this illusion of un-connectivity and separation is one of the biggest causes of suffering of humanity.
Somehow we ended up in a world where the different fields of thought and action collide or even worse - are not even aware of- their possible mutual influence, conditioning and empowerment Even in a small scale such as the world of space definers.